Homeopathic medicine is different and requires a change of understanding.
Understanding homeopathy requires us to change the concepts we typically think of in medicine. Many only know medicines from a conventional point of view. For example, if you have back pain you can take the medicine Ibuprofen, and often the pain is reduced. If the pain is a recent problem that your body can heal on it’s own, the Ibuprofen is only needed until your body heals. The Ibuprofen does nothing to help your body heal, but helps you feel better during the process. If the back pain is chronic or long-lasting and the body is not capable of healing, then Ibuprofen works only as long as you continue to take it on a regular basis. If you stop taking Ibuprofen, the pain comes back.
No conventional medicine stimulates or triggers your body to heal. In chronic or long-lasting complaints such as back pain, or depression, or schizophrenia, or schizoaffective disorder, or bipolar disorder conventional medicines are required daily for life.
The scientific paradigm in medicine has worked hard to find more effective medications that are needed for life. However, the scientific community is blind to the first question anyone who becomes chronically ill asks. How do I get my body to fix this?
Homeopathic Medicine
- Homeopathic remedies stimulate the bodies own healing process. Homeopathy is a scientific system that accurately selects a medicine to stimulate a healing response. The bodies own healing ability is the most powerful force in all of medicine. Homeopathy is the most consistent and reliable method to stimulate healing.
- Homeopathic medicines have no side effects. Because homeopathic medicines work by stimulating the healing process, there are no side effects.
- The improvement with homeopathy is progressive. If the improvement stops another homeopathic medicine is given. In chronic long-lasting complaints one homeopathic medicine (one stimulus to heal) is often not enough to remove the disease. Instead, repeated homeopathic remedies are needed to progressively stimulate healing until the condition is resolved.
What to Expect at the First Consultation
- In order to accurately select a homeopathic remedy every symptom as a whole person must be completely understood. Dr. Janikula will ask many questions and overall the process normally takes 3-6 hours. Many patients are not aware of every symptoms, so family input is invaluable to understand the whole imbalance. Patients often say, they never had anyone understand their concerns in such detail.
- Dr. Janikula often selects a remedy based on the symptoms at the end of the first visit, but sometimes requires more study, and the first remedy will be given the next day.
What to Expect from the First Homeopathic Medicine
- Generally, improvement is noticed quickly. Many patients notice improvement in the first day. Typically, the more intense the symptoms, the faster the response. If symptoms are mild the improvement starts equally as fast but takes much longer to notice improvement. The first sign of improvement is an increase in well-being and this is followed by improvement as a whole person.
- Some patients notice an initial aggravation of symptoms after taking the first homeopathic medicine. It is common to have a barely noticeable increase in symptoms during the first few hours followed by improvement. During an aggravation of symptoms it is common for the patient to notice that they feel better overall, despite a few symptoms being worse.
What to Expect from the First Follow Up
- Dr. Janikula will schedule a follow-up visit within 1 to 10 days to determine if the homeopathic medicine is working.
- How do we know if the medicine is working? Symptoms will be improving as a whole person.
- Homeopathy stimulates the body to heal, so if the remedy is working we see improvement in all symptoms. Dr. Janikula will ask about every symptom discussed in the first visit to determine if it is better, same, or worse.
- If symptoms are not clearly improving, Dr. Janikula will select another homeopathic remedy.
What to Expect from Continued Homeopathic Care
- Dr. Janikula’s goal is progressive, constant improvement. Because the body is healing we see symptoms to continue to improve over time.
- Anytime symptoms stop improving or regress, a new remedy is selected. Some patients are scheduled at regular intervals while others contact Dr. Janikula each time a remedy is no longer effective. The goal is to have as little time as possible between periods of improvement.
- Below is a graph of typical progress over time. Each arrow represents a new homeopathic remedy (stimulus to heal). Each homeopathic remedy is continued as long as improvement continues. If improvement stops, a new homeopathic remedy is selected and continued as long as there is improvement. This process is repeated until the complaint is resolved.