Dr. Janikula specializes in OCD.
Obsessive compulsive disorder can cause much disability when compulsions take up most of a persons time. This is exactly the kind of case Dr. Janikula specializes in. When medications and exposure response fail, homeopathy is the perfect solution.
Dr. Janikula has worked with the following types of OCD.
- “Pure O” OCD – Pure obsessional OCD
- OCD with religiosity
- OCD with scrupulosity
- HOCD – Obsession about being homosexual
- Harm OCD
- Relationship OCD
- Postpartum OCD
- Children with OCD
Homeopathy has offered treatment for OCD long before we even had the term OCD.
For example, Jahr published a case in 1834 in the German medical journal Allgemeine Homoopathische Zeitung. An 18 year old woman had obsessive thoughts about pins. She was afraid she had swallowed a pin or would swallow pins. She would check everything for pins, checking her food and surroundings. She needed constant reassurance from her family. This fear of pins and compulsive checking occupied all her time and she would not see friends, eat, and became indifferent to everything. The OCD was much worse at or around the full moon. Homeopathic Silica was prescribed because it produces very similiar symptoms when given to healthy persons, “like cures like.” She was reported cured of her problem in 6 weeks.
Check back soon for more cases of homeopathy treating OCD dating as far back as 1796.