Homeopathy Overview

Homeopathy is the scientific application of the law of similars.

  • Medicines are selected because they cause similar symptoms to the individual patient with the disease, “like cures like.”  When this matching medicine is selected it triggers the body’s own healing response.

Homeopathic medicines are powerful.

  • Homeopathy stimulates the most powerful factor in medicine, the body’s own ability to heal.

Homeopathy is free of side effects.

  • Because homeopathic medicines stimulate the body’s own healing response, there are no side effects like we see with conventional medications. However, sometimes we see effects of the healing process.  Highly vital patients may experience a minor increase in symptoms for a short period of time prior to improvement after the very first medicine is given.  This is not a side effect, but rather a healing response in a strong attempt by the body to restore balance.

Homeopathy is holistic.

  • Homeopathic medicines are selected based on symptoms of the whole person.  Only one homeopathic remedy is prescribed at a time, but the effect is improvement in symptoms as a whole person.

Homeopathy is scientific.

  • Homeopathy is based on solid scientific principles verified by repeated experiments for over 220 years.  Modern medical scientific research has applied pseudo-scientific methods creating a smoke and mirror method that keeps the public in the dark.  Homeopathy has proven scientific in every test of science besides collective opinion.  Read More.
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