
If you are reading this page, you know how much schizophrenia devastates not only the patient but the whole family.  Parents often bring their adult children to Dr. Janikula for delusions, violence, and odd, erratic behavior.  But equally as common because they have lost all social interest, have little to no motivation, and seem a fraction of their former self.

Dr. Janikula has focused much of his practice on the treatment of schizophrenia.  He finds treating individuals with this diagnosis the most challenging, but also the most rewarding. The challenge is most patients are reluctant to talk about their symptoms due to paranoia or because they don’t know they are sick. This makes a partnership between loving family and Dr. Janikula so critical to observe the symptoms and progress from the outside, looking in.  In these conditions, homeopathy can help even those who do not want help.

Homeopathy has offered help to schizophrenia before it was called schizophrenia.  Cases of dementia praecox were reported and before this, the cases were treated before they had any name. Watch Dr. Janikula’s website as he will add many posts citing cases of homeopathy successfully treating mental health conditions dating back to 1796.

Check back soon, as Dr. Janikula records real patient stories and their experience with homeopathy and treatment of schizophrenia.  This site is brand new and instead of testimonials that are typical of most doctors,  Dr. Janikula wants to provide real stories to show the real world effect of homeopathy in practice.

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